We used Kreston Reeves valuation team to prepare a purchase price allocation report to support the financial reporting of a recent business acquisition which included both tangible and intangible assets.... More The project was completed on a timely basis and in line with their original cost proposal. Amira Marshall led the project for Kreston Reeves and was very responsive and engaging throughout the project, including timely and comprehensive responses to auditor queries and challenges which were ultimately accepted without any change to the valuation. Very happy with their work; thorough, timely, and cost effective. Art Russell, CFO, APC Technology Group PLC
If you need a business or intangible asset valuation, you will want it to be provided by a team you can trust with proven expertise in this complex area.
Whether your business is a company, LLP, partnership or sole trade, there are many reasons why you may need a valuation. At Kreston Reeves we are an experienced team with a proven track record to provide you with a realistic valuation to reflect your particular circumstances.
Business and Share Valuations
Examples of our Business and Share Valuations experience include:
- Shareholder/partnership disputes
- Sale and purchase agreements or restructuring of business – if you are in the process of buying or selling you may also want assistance from our corporate finance department
- Commercial disputes and loss of profits / earnings
- Tax valuations
- Intangible asset valuations
- Goodwill valuations
- Purchase Price Allocation valuations
- Intellectual property valuations
- Matrimonial valuations
In addition to valuation services, we are happy to consider the following often required in matrimonial cases:
- Investigation of the integrity of accounts
- Investigation of hidden assets
- Liquidity reviews
- Assessment of real earnings
- Pensions splitting – working with our financial planning specialists as required
- Advising on the tax implications of any of the above
Whatever your requirement for a valuation, we will employ our acknowledged analytical skills and undertake a thorough investigation using the most appropriate techniques for your circumstances to ensure you receive a valuation you can rely upon.
Want to learn more about how we can help?
Contact us to arrange to speak with one of our specialists in London, Kent and Sussex.
Tom Wacher MEng FCA MAE
- Partner, Forensic Accounting and Business Valuations
- +44 (0)330 124 1399
- Email Tom
Email Tom
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