George Guilherme-Fryer
- Tax Disputes and Risk Management Director
- +44 (0)330 124 1399
- Email George
Our tax investigation service will cover our professional fees that result from most types of HMRC enquiry or investigation. Unlike some fee protection products that appoint their own advisers, this policy ensures that we can represent you throughout. We believe that we know your business best and we want to be there for you when you need us most.
Under our tax investigation service, our costs in protecting you during a tax investigation are automatically paid subject to a few specific exclusions, and we will be able to defend you in the event HMRC check your books and records or visit you to check PAYE or VAT Returns. Protection starts from the very first contact from HMRC.
For peace of mind, we recommend that every client should be protected in the event of a tax investigation and take out this cover as tax investigations are expensive and can last several months and even years. We will be free to work on your case for as long as it takes to bring about a resolution, up to the policy limit of £100,000. For limited companies and partnerships, the tax investigation policy provides inclusive cover for all relevant individuals. When a business signs up to the policy, all its directors, partners and their spouses and company secretaries, will also receive representation during an investigation into their personal tax affairs, as well as those of their business.
To provide this cover, we need to be acting as the tax return agent for the individuals in question. Personal cover is, however, required for any individual where gross rental exceeds £50,000 per year, or for any other business activities.
Dealing with day to day business is hard enough, but a HMRC investigation too? We simply don’t have the time, energy and expertise to handle that. I believe my accountant is certainly the best person to manage a tax investigation and it’s reassuring to know the costs will be covered.
An additional benefit is that clients will have access to a business support helpline. A friendly team will be available to advise on common legal issues, such as:
Advice from a dedicated team of legal consultants, barristers, solicitors and legal executives Unrestricted access to use the service.
You can call regarding any commercial legal problem:
While the service is essentially provided by telephone, consultants will enter into correspondence with members where necessary. This could entail looking at any documents, which may be essential for the consultant to consider prior to giving advice, for example, contracts of employment, leases etc. Please note that the service does not extend to corresponding with third parties, only with the individual about their legal rights.
What is a Tax Investigation? Click here to find out!
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"We have had the Tax Investigation Service cover through Kreston Reeves for over 4 years. Over the past twelve months Kreston Reeves has handled a tax investigation for us, which... More we could not have predicted coming. Our input was minimal and the case was handled by Kreston Reeves throughout. The cost would have been well over 5 figures but was fully covered by TIS. As with most businesses we did not expect to have an investigation, but having one has confirmed the benefit of having cover and given us peace of mind for the future."
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