What does a Labour Government mean for Academy Trusts 

Published by Kelly Goodwin on 18 July 2024

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The Labour Party has ambitious plans for the education sector and began to set out its legislative agenda in the Kings Speech on 17 July. 

Whilst the Government’s plans to remove the VAT exemption on independent schools has captured widespread attention, its wider legislative agenda will need to be considered when planning for future academic years. 

At this stage, much of the detail of its legislative agenda has yet to be published – we can expect a series of consultations before legislation follows – Academy Trusts should take note of the Government’s manifesto pledges and scenario plan accordingly. 

Below we consider the key pledges and their potential impacts on Academy Trusts. 

Inspection of MATs

The Labour Party has promised in its manifesto to “bring multi-academy trusts into the inspection system”. No further detail has been provided, and it did not appear in the Kings’ Speech. It is something long advocated by OFSTED with its previous chief inspector saying inspection is “inevitable”. 

OFSTED has previously done summary evaluations of trusts, inspecting groups of schools, but has not inspected back-office functions of the trusts directly.  

Whilst it is impossible to put a timeframe on any changes to inspections, it should be on MATs radars. 

VAT added to independent school fees

Earlier this week we released an article on how this might impact the independent schools. The policy change is not anticipated until 2025. 

Whilst there is no direct impact anticipated for Academy Trusts, there could be a drop off in pupils attending independent schools especially at the key entry points of years 3 and 7. Trusts may see an increase in new pupil applications. 

The Department for Education has released data on schools, pupils and their characteristics to assist with scenario planning in this area. This can be accessed here. Trusts are able to filter the data by local area to review any potential shifts in demand and consider their capacity. 

Another consideration could be that smaller independent schools may look for the support from larger multi academy trusts to take advantage of benefits such as economies of scale. One of the largest multi academy Trust’s in the country, United Learning Trust, is a part of a group of schools including 13 independent schools. 

Qualification of teachers

The promise is to ensure any new teacher entering the classroom “has, or is working towards”, qualified teacher status. Trusts may want to review their existing staffing structures to gauge how much impact this could have and consider the impacts on future staff costs as a result. 

Ofsted reforms

Promised within the manifesto regarding Ofsted was a change in a single grade to a report card system. Reported in Schools week is what the school cards could look like and what the metrics could include.  

The details of these changes are yet to be released, however trust’s should be aware of these potential changes. 

Further changes that we can expect include: 

  • National curriculum. The Labour Party has long been committed to making all schools – including Academy Trusts and free schools – follow the national curriculum. Whilst not addressed in the Kings’ Speech, it was a manifesto promise and can be expected at some point. 
  • Breakfast clubs. Again, a Labour manifesto promise to provide free breakfast clubs in every primary school. 
  • Branded school uniforms. The Labour government has promised to cap the number of branded school uniform items to just three. 

These are just a few potential changes that may impact Academy Trusts. The key message for Academy Trusts is to consider potential impacts on their Trusts and stay alert for any future detail as it becomes available.  


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