The current economic climate

Coronavirus, the invasion of Ukraine and rising inflation, the UK and the globe finds itself amid financial uncertainty not seen in 40 years.

Jennifer Williamson, Accounts, Tax and Outsourcing Partner, shares a brief overview of the events that have led us to where we are now, and what businesses need for increased confidence.

Financial reporting and the future of audit

Audit and financial reporting standards are evolving.

Peter Manser, Partner and Head of Audit and Assurance, explores what rules are changing and when, and how audit processes are changing.

Corporate tax changes from 1 April 2023

From 1 April 2023, corporation tax changes from a single rate of 19%, to a tapered rate from 19% to 25% depending on the value of profits. March 2023 also marks the end of the super deduction. 

Sam Jones, Corporate Tax Director, explores how the new corporation tax rate works, the reliefs available and details the changes in relief for capital expenditure.

Share schemes

Share schemes are an excellent tool for a company to sell or give shares to its employees, with schemes providing flexibility whilst improving staff retention and recognition.

Sam Jones, Corporate Tax Director, explores what a share scheme is, the options available and highlights the benefits and pitfalls.

Funding options

The business funding landscape has changed significantly over the past couple of years.

Get an overview of just some of the funding opportunities for your business, with Carrie James, Restructuring Partner.

Panel Q&A

Our expert panel answered questions from businesses’.

Chaired by Jennifer Williamson, the Q&A panel include, Peter Manser, Sam Jones, Jack Clipsham, Rupert Moyle, Jak Hill and Carrie James.

Contact us

If you would like to discuss any of the topics explored in Finance focus and would like to speak to one of our specialists, please contact us.

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