Sarah Ediss FCA
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View all peoplePublished by Sarah Ediss on 26 November 2018
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Throughout the month of October, 73 Kreston Reeves teams, across the firm’s nine offices, were set the challenge of walking from our Canterbury office to the most northerly point in the UK.
The aim of our ‘Pedometer Challenge’ was for the teams to walk as many steps as possible; encouraging colleagues to keep healthy and cut down on their carbon footprint- whilst raising money for the local charities we support.
The initial route saw the teams virtually visit all of our offices, starting in Canterbury and ending in London. Collectively the teams recorded their steps to achieve this distance with the Big Challenge team app and website.
The challenge didn’t end there! Teams were then encouraged to walk further, taking them to the Kreston International Office in Chelmsford and then on to the most northerly point in Britain, Out Stack in the Shetland Islands, via some of the UK’s most famous landmarks.
Although we were advised that the route would actually take seven weeks for a team of four to complete, the winning team, ONLINE & ON POINT, consisting of Sarah Spence, Timothy Hughes, Emma Chesson and Emily Baldwin from the Canterbury office smashed this estimation. The team walked a total combined distance of 1,672.69 km in just 4 weeks.
A combined total of 75,735,753 steps were clocked throughout the 4 weeks which is like walking just over 1.3 times around the world.
We are thrilled with the number of our colleagues who joined in and we will continue to support the local community and the ecosystem. More fundraising events will be happening throughout the year, so watch this space!
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